タイトル:Effect of a Variety of Food Shapes on Sensory-Specific Satiety Using Chicken McNuggets® as Stimuli 誌名:Interdisciplinary Information Sciences DOI: 10.4036/iis.2024.A.04 本研究は日本フードサービス協会の立命館大学食マネジメント学部助成事業により、多感覚・認知デザイン研究室の学部一期生、大学院一期生らが中心に行った研究をベースとしています。 Title: Effect of a Variety of Food Shapes on Sensory-Specific Satiety Using Chicken McNuggets® as Stimuli (食品形状のバラエティが感性的満腹感に与える影響:Chicken McNuggets® を用いて) Authors: Yuki NISHIDA, Sarasa EGUCHI, Miho SAKURAI, Kazuya MATSUBARA, Yui TANAKA and Yuji WADA Journal: Interdisciplinary Information Sciences Abstract: Individuals have less desire for foods they eat repeatedly than for foods they have not eaten. This is called sensory-specific satiety (SSS), and it motivates people to eat a variety of foods. This psychological study examined the influence of a variety of food shapes on SSS using a four-shaped food product known as Chicken McNuggets®. Twenty participants completed three phases: first rating, preload and second rating. Durin